Hung Cao is the latest failed Republican candidate to be given the trump administration appointment participation trophy, as Under Secretary of the Navy. Cao is a dangerous choice to help lead our Navy, he supported blocking promotions and appointments over access to abortions, called for the United States to defund NATO, and opposed aid to our allies. He's criticized our military, claiming that effectiveness has been hurt by diversity efforts, and signaled support for a return to Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Cao's claims about his own military service have also come into question. His Naval records revealed that he was not “blown up” as he claimed on the campaign trail. |
[AUDIO] Cao Agreed With Tommy Tuberville Blocking Military Promotions And Appointments Due To The Hyde Amendment. “So first of all, I mean, the Dobbs decision was very clear. This is a state level issue and it belongs on the state level. Yeah, right. I mean, this is this is where I actually agree with Senator Tuberville is that he's holding up 250 flag and general officer promotions. And a lot of these are my friends. Their families are like, oh, my gosh, do we move to Singapore? Do we move to Japan? Can we even move? They can't do anything right now. And I feel that, it's terrible for them. But the law says, you know, the Hyde Amendment says you cannot use federal funds to pay for abortion and for General Milley to thumb his nose at Congress and say, I'm going to pay it anyway out of TBY funds. I mean, as a commander, I only have so many TBY funds where I can send my soldiers, sailors and Marines.” [Veronica Live, 9/3/23]
[AUDIO] Cao Called To “Withhold The Funding” From NATO. Cao: Here’s the thing, you know what NATO stands for? Needs America to Operate. Look, I’ve deployed with NATO, I’ve worked with NATO. The problem is when they’re not backing us, they’re not doing what they’re supposed to be doing. I say we withhold the funding. [Hung Cao Meet and Greet Portsmouth, 10/9/24]
Cao Said That NATO Employees Were “Freaking Lazy” And “They Don’t Do Anything.” According to the Virginian-Pilot, “Now, Cao has taken aim at a major Norfolk employer. In audio provided to The Virginian-Pilot, Cao said North Atlantic Treaty Organization employees only work a few hours a day. ‘They are freaking lazy,’ Cao said. ‘They just don’t do (expletive). They don’t do anything.’ Cao, a 25-year Navy veteran who has served in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, made the remarks during a May 7 campaign event with Log Cabin Republicans of Richmond. In the recording, Cao is asked by an attendee about U.S. troops in Germany. He then begins to describe what he claims is an average day for a European NATO worker: starting around 9 a.m. each morning then stopping for lunch around 11 a.m. or noon. ‘They take a two-hour lunch because they take a nap afterwards,’ Cao said. He added that after working from 1-3 p.m., the employees then go home to play soccer. During the remarks, Cao also said NATO stands for ‘Needs Americans to operate.’ In an emailed statement, Cao said he deployed with NATO.” [Virginian-Pilot, 8/9/24]
Cao Doubled Down On His NATO Comments And Said “They Don’t Do Anything.” According to the Virginian-Pilot, “Cao also addressed his harsh remarks about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The candidate appeared to criticize NATO employees during a May campaign event in Richmond. ‘They are freaking lazy,’ Cao said in an audio recording provided to The Virginian-Pilot. ‘They just don’t do (expletive). They don’t do anything.’ Cao said Monday that he was referring to the organization as a whole, not individual staff members, and doubled down on his comment. ‘NATO stands for Needs Americans to Operate,’ he said. ‘If you want to see a comedy show, put a German and an Italian officer together and they will fight like cats and dogs.’” [Virginian-Pilot, 8/19/24]
Hung Cao Claimed He Was Disabled After He Was “Blown Up” In Combat And Stressed That He Has Scars From His Military Service. According to USA Today, “The Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia, a decorated Navy veteran, has made repeated references to becoming disabled after he was ‘blown up’ in combat, and has stressed that he has scars from his military service while Democratic incumbent Sen. Tim Kaine got rich from the safety of Capitol Hill.” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Cao Claimed That He Was “100% Disabled” From “Being Blown Up In Combat Many Times.” According to USA Today, “Cao has been more expansive about his service during campaign appearances. When he ran an unsuccessful bid for Congress in 2022, Cao told an audience that combat wounds had fully disabled him. ‘I'm 100% disabled, you know, because just from being blown up in combat many times and everything else, you know, knee, shoulders,’ Cao said on April 22, 2022. ‘I've got more surgeries than you could possibly imagine.’” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Cao Repeatedly Claimed That He Was “Shot At,” “Blown Up,” And Had “Scars” From His Military Service. According to USA Today, “In his campaign against Kaine, Cao has continued to stress his military service on radio shows, podcast episodes and in television news segments. Cao has said that he’s been ‘shot at,’ ‘blown up,’ and has ‘scars’ from his time in the military. He often refers to combat deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia as the origin of those combat wounds. On a June 21 episode of the podcast Talk of Delmarva with Jake Smith, Cao said he ‘was getting shot at and blown up in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia.’ Again, on a June 21 episode of the podcast The Schilling Show, Cao said, ‘Are you telling me your air-conditioned office where the worst thing that can happen for you is having a paper cut is the same as me getting, you know, blown up and shot at in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia?’” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Navy Service Records Did Not Show Cao Receiving A Purple Heart Nor Did His Record Indicate He Received The Navy’s Combat Action Ribbon. According to USA Today, “Yet the Navy service record for Hung Cao, who won the GOP primary in June, does not show a Purple Heart award, the commendation given to troops who have suffered wounds from ‘direct or indirect result of enemy action’ that required medical attention. Nor does his record indicate that he received the Navy’s Combat Action Ribbon, which requires that a sailor ‘must have rendered satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in ground or surface combat engagement.’ USA TODAY obtained Cao's record from the Navy.” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Four Retired Navy And Army Officers Who Reviewed Cao’s Service Record Said It Was Unusual For A Sailor Severely Wounded In Combat In Iraq Or Afghanistan Not To Have Received A Purple Heart Or The Navy’s Combat Action Ribbon. According to USA Today, “Four retired Navy and Army officers who reviewed Cao’s service record said it was unusual for a sailor severely wounded in combat in Iraq or Afghanistan not to have received a Purple Heart or the Navy’s Combat Action Ribbon.” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Cao Criticized USA Today For Asking Him About His Service Record. According to USA Today, “Cao, in a Facebook post, criticized USA TODAY for asking about his service record and listed questions posed to him by reporters. USA TODAY reporters called, texted and emailed his campaign manager Tuesday and Wednesday seeking comment on Cao's military record. The campaign has not addressed the questions directly, issuing only the short statement. ‘I want to give you all a window into what it's like being a combat veteran who had the gall to run for public office against a career politician,’ Cao posted. ‘Any veteran will read this with the same disgust. Imagine being asked to provide documentation of the dates and times Al Qaeda shot at you. Imagine being asked, if you're a disabled veteran, why don't you have a Purple Heart?’” [USA Today, 6/26/24]
Cao Criticized USA Today Reporting Over His Military History As “Disgusting.” According to the Washington Examiner, “Hung Cao, a decorated Navy combat veteran and Republican nominee for the Senate in Virginia, called recent reporting that raised questions about his military service injuries ‘disgusting.’ ‘They are saying that any disabled veteran in America that does not have a Purple Heart is faking it. This is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard from USA Today,’ Cao said on a Washington, D.C., radio show on Monday. Elizabeth Beyer and Tom Vanden Brook cowrote in the piece that Cao has ‘made repeated references to becoming disabled after he was ‘blown up’ in combat.’ The USA Today report said the Virginia Republican’s Navy service record ‘does not show a Purple Heart award, the commendation given to troops who have suffered wounds from ‘direct or indirect result of enemy action’ that required medical attention. Nor does his record indicate that he received the Navy’s Combat Action Ribbon, which requires that a sailor ‘must have rendered satisfactory performance under enemy fire while actively participating in ground or surface combat engagement.’’” [Washington Examiner, 7/1/24]
Cao Claimed That Meritocracy In Business, The Military, And Education Was Sidelined For A “Woke” Ideology. According to aWashington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “Over the last decade, the United States has witnessed a concerning trend in which meritocracy in business, the military, and education is increasingly sidelined in favor of what we know as ‘woke’ ideology. This trend has grave consequences for our country’s future. It undermines the fundamental principles of fairness, equality, and opportunity that have made America the land of the free and the home of the brave.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
Cao Claimed That The Growing Focus On Equity “Led To A Culture In Which Individuals Are Judged By The Color Of Their Skin Rather Than The Content Of Their Character.” According to a Washington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “However, in recent years, the importance of meritocracy has been undermined by a growing focus on political ideology and equity. This has led to a culture in which individuals are judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character– in direct opposition to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for the future. This ideology goes against the American Dream that I immigrated to as a young boy and fought to protect as a man.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
Cao Claimed That An Increase In Focus On Diversity “Undermines The Military’s Effectiveness And The Morale Of Our Troops.” According to a Washington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “Similarly, in the military, we have seen the rise of identity politics, in which individuals are judged not on their competence but on their identity group. This undermines the military’s effectiveness and the morale of our troops. As a combat veteran, I can unequivocally say the enemy didn’t care if I was white, black, brown, or yellow. They targeted us all just the same. The enemy only cared that we wore the stars and stripes on our shoulders, representing freedom and democracy.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
Cao: “It Is Time To Reject The Cancer Of Woke Ideology And Embrace The American Spirit Of Innovation, Hard Work, And Excellence.” According to a Washington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “We must get back to the basics. We must return to meritocracy to provide economic opportunity, educate our future workforce, and defend our country. By embracing meritocracy, we can create a society where hard work and talent are rewarded, our education focuses on ensuring the best and brightest rise to the top, and our military focuses on defeating our enemies rather than trying to solve societal issues. It is time to reject the cancer of woke ideology and embrace the American spirit of innovation, hard work, and excellence.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
Cao Claimed That Meritocracy In Business, The Military, And Education Was Sidelined For A “Woke” Ideology. According to a Washington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “Over the last decade, the United States has witnessed a concerning trend in which meritocracy in business, the military, and education is increasingly sidelined in favor of what we know as ‘woke’ ideology. This trend has grave consequences for our country’s future. It undermines the fundamental principles of fairness, equality, and opportunity that have made America the land of the free and the home of the brave.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
Cao Claimed That The Growing Focus On Equity “Led To A Culture In Which Individuals Are Judged By The Color Of Their Skin Rather Than The Content Of Their Character.” According to a Washington Times op-ed by Hung Cao, “However, in recent years, the importance of meritocracy has been undermined by a growing focus on political ideology and equity. This has led to a culture in which individuals are judged by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character– in direct opposition to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision for the future. This ideology goes against the American Dream that I immigrated to as a young boy and fought to protect as a man.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Washington Times, 3/23/23]
[AUDIO] Cao Said Politicians Make Service Members Suffer By Playing Politics. “I'm sick and tired of them using the military as pawns for all these, you know, all their budget wars and everything else. Like like why are you making the American service member suffer? You know, I've had to deploy under a continuing resolution not knowing if the paychecks are going to come in. My wife has to feed the kids. And, you know, I still have to deploy to combat. And and I'm sick and tired of them using the military as pawns.” [Breitbart News Saturday, 9/23/23]
In A Townhall Op-ed Cao Complained That The Navy Was Touting The Diversity Of Its Servicemen During Pride Month And Climate Change. According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “Yet, what does our Navy do in response to this week’s near collision? Nothing. Instead, the U.S. Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro touts the diversity of our ships during pride month and said that combating climate change was his top priority. He went on to say that LGBTQI+ Sailors, Marines, civilians, and contractors were working to mold the future of the Navy and realize the ‘limitless possibilities of a collaborative, diverse, and inclusive workforce where everyone can live as their true self and defend our Nation from extremism and any threat.’ This message was also mimicked this week by the U.S. Space Force Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 6/9/23]
In A Spectator Op-ed, Hung Cao Argued That The Military Had Slowing Recruitment Due To “The Strategic Mistakes Of President Biden, Such As The Afghanistan Retreat, Paired With Puzzling Pentagon Priorities.” According to Spectator op-ed by Hung Cao, “In fiscal year 2022, the Army missed its recruitment goals by 25 percent. The Navy was able to barely meet its quota by rolling forward recruits and padding their numbers before the end of the fiscal year. This caused a deficit for fiscal year 2023, so the Navy’s solution was to accept recruits with lower entry level test scores. With the strategic mistakes of President Biden, such as the Afghanistan retreat, paired with puzzling Pentagon priorities, it’s no wonder recruitment is at an all-time low.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Spectator, 4/25/23]
Cao: “This Administration Has A Growing Obsession With Diversity, Equity And Inclusion, Or Dei, A College Campus Fad That Teaches America Is Fundamentally Racist And Can Only Be Fixed By Discriminating Against American Males With European Ancestry.” According to Spectator op-ed by Hung Cao, “This administration has a growing obsession with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, or DEI, a college campus fad that teaches America is fundamentally racist and can only be fixed by discriminating against American males with European ancestry. DEI is unpopular in the military, a place where troops may be rightfully hesitant to serve under a commander selected for the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Spectator, 4/25/23]
Cao Claimed That The Pentagon Ranked “Naked Political Priorities” Like Climate Change, Right-wing Extremism, And Covid-19 Next “Right Next To China In Terms Of Importance.” According to Spectator op-ed by Hung Cao, “When announcing their priorities in 2021, the Biden Pentagon ranked odd and naked political priorities right next to China in terms of importance. Climate change, right-wing extremism and Covid-19 were considered just as a dire a threat as the People’s Liberation Army. Young Americans don’t join the Army to fight climate change, that is a job for scientists and engineers. They don’t join to root out domestic extremists, that is a job for law enforcement. And they don’t join to obsess over gender, sexual orientation and skin color, that is a job for weird humanities professors.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Spectator, 4/25/23]
Cao: “If We Want To Turn The Tide On The Impending National Security Threat We Face From Historically Low Recruitment Numbers, Then We Must Go Back To A Blind Recruiting Standard Where Race, Sex And Sexual Orientation Do Not Matter, Because Things Like Death, Hardship And War Are Indiscriminate.” According to Spectator op-ed by Hung Cao, “If we want to turn the tide on the impending national security threat we face from historically low recruitment numbers, then we must go back to a blind recruiting standard where race, sex and sexual orientation do not matter, because things like death, hardship and war are indiscriminate. The recruiting challenge is hard enough already. Only 23 percent of Americans aged 17-24 qualify for military service. External factors such as low unemployment, foolish Covid-19 policies that kept recruiters out of high school, and a rising teen obesity rate contribute to the problem, but it’s a problem that the Pentagon cannot control.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Spectator, 4/25/23]
Cao Appeared To Support “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Stating That He “Didn’t Care What My Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines And Coast Guardsmen Did In The Privacy Of Their Own Homes.”
According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “What is happening? I thought the mission of the Navy was to ‘maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.’ As a U.S. Navy Captain, I was required to be prepared at all times to defend our country’s interests around the globe. That was our mission. I didn’t care what my Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen did in the privacy of their own homes. This was the premise of the Clinton era ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell.’” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 6/9/23]
[AUDIO] Cao Claimed That Aid To Ukraine Threatens The Solvency Of Social Security. “My heart goes out to the Ukrainian people because they're the ones that are really suffering right now. But you got a government fighting another government and that's the people in the middle that get caught in all this. But we can't just give, you know, unlimited amount of money to to you could, you know, that a lot of money goes to paying the pension funds for Ukrainian retired government officials. Like, why are we paying that when our own social. Oh, yes. Yes, yes. And their own. Their own. I mean, our own Social Security is becoming defunct because we can't manage our budget. So why are we pouring all this money into Ukraine, paying for their their pension plans when our own seniors are struggling right now? That's the biggest problem.” [Veronica Live, 9/3/23]
Cao Said “We Have To Stop Giving Money To Ukraine.” According to the Bristol Herald-Courier, “Cao also decried the Biden Administration’s handling of the border, their support of Ukraine, and the U.S. dependency on oil from other countries, while rejecting American coal. ‘Under Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, millions of illegal aliens flood across our borders. They fly Hamas flags on our campuses and shout death to America,’ he said. ‘We’ve got to stop depending on oil from these countries that hate us while banning clean American coal. ‘We have to stop giving money to Ukraine and their pension plans while our social security is at risk,’ Cao added. ‘We have to put Americans first and that’s what we’re going to do.’” [Bristol Herald-Courier, 8/11/14]
Cao Claimed That “President Biden And His Team Bear No Responsibility For Any Of Their Actions In Afghanistan, Whether About The Withdrawal Or The Drone Strike That Mistakenly Killed A Us Aid Worker And Innocent Children.” According to Daily Mail, “Hung Cao, retired Navy Captain who served in Special Operations for 25 years and senior advisor with Polaris National Security, also told ‘Gone are the days of leaders declaring ‘the buck stops here’ and meaning it. ‘Instead, President Biden and his team bear no responsibility for any of their actions in Afghanistan, whether about the withdrawal or the drone strike that mistakenly killed a US aid worker and innocent children,’ added Cao, a Republican House candidate who was defeated in the midterms.” [Daily Mail, 2/28/23]
Cao Stated That Biden’s “Unilateral Withdrawal Strategy Resulted In A Catastrophic Situation, Leaving Billions Of Dollars Worth Of Equipment In The Hands Of The Taliban And Our Allies Stranded.” According to Daily Mail, “‘His unilateral withdrawal strategy resulted in a catastrophic situation, leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment in the hands of the Taliban and our allies stranded in a dangerous and uncertain environment.’” [Daily Mail, 2/28/23]
Cao Also Claimed That Biden Did Not Have The Three Principle Of Leadership: Authority, Responsibility, And Accountability. According to Daily Mail, “‘When I served for twenty-five years in the military, we were taught the three principles of leadership: authority, responsibility, and accountability – all of which Joe Biden has failed to possess as our Commander in Chief.’” [Daily Mail, 2/28/23]
Cao Tweeted That The United State’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Led To The Insurgence Of ISIS Under Taliban Rule. Cao tweeted, “President Biden’s failure in #Afghanistan leads to the insurgence of #ISIS under Taliban rule, posing a serious threat to all Americans. Let’s not forget this is the same group responsible for the murder of 13 servicemen and women in August 2021.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 3/23/23]
Cao Claimed That China Lured In Businesses Over The Years With Offerings Of Cheap Labor And Materials. According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “With offerings of cheap labor and less costly materials, China has lured in businesses over the years looking to capitalize and make profits. At the height of the housing boom, American builders had to declare bankruptcy when it was discovered the Chinese-made drywalls exuded toxic gasses, endangering the health of the homeowners. Cheaply produced dog treats from China were killing America’s best friends. Chinese made fentanyl has flowed freely across our borders, killing our youth. Meanwhile, unsuspecting Americans easily surrender their DNA to companies like 23 & Me. These ancestry companies, subsidized by powerhouses like Huawei, gained unlimited access to the genetic codes of millions of Americans.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 3/8/23]
Cao Claimed That The Chinese Communist Party Sought To Use 5G Smart Cities To Obtain Mass Amounts Of Data. According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “Chinese companies negotiate 5G in other countries by slipping a piece of paper across the table with an offer at half the asking value. Who would turn down a proposal that lucrative? What company could compete in that market? By building smart cities worldwide, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can gain unlimited access to data streaming through their network. Whatever the CCP cannot collect through 5G, they can quickly obtain it through TikTok. In turn, TikTok leaves a backdoor to collect every keystroke made by the 80 million users in the United States.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 3/8/23]
Cao: “At The Same Time, More Than 300,000 Chinese Students Studying Abroad At American Universities Have Access To Billions Of Dollars In Research For Industry And The Department Of Defense.” According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “At the same time, more than 300,000 Chinese students studying abroad at American universities have access to billions of dollars in research for industry and the Department of Defense.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 3/8/23]
Cao Stated That He Joined Unleash America As An Honorary Chairman Because “We Need Leaders To Stand Up To Countries Like China.” According to a Townhall op-ed by Hung Cao, “I joined Unleash America as its Honorary Chairman because we need leaders to stand up to countries like China. Individuals that will exercise strong leadership on the world stage and show American strength. We must reinvest in American manufacturing, lessening our dependence on China’s cheap and inhumane labor. We must properly arm our military with the weapons, technology, and training necessary to compete with China’s advances. We must elect leaders that won’t appease Xi Jinping. We must confront China through aggressive signaling before it’s too late.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed - Townhall, 3/8/23]
Cao Alleged That Democrat Leaders Are More Interested In Indoctrinating Children Than Confronting China. Hung Cao tweeted, “China is an existential threat to our nation’s longevity, but our current leadership is more focused on indoctrinating our children than protecting our country from foreign adversaries like China.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 8/31/23]
Cao Said Jinping Should Have Only Seen The US Flag
. Hung Cao tweeted, “Is this San Francisco or Beijing? The only flags the leader of a murderous and authoritarian regime needs to see when they are on our soil is the flag of the United States of America. No more bowing down to China!” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 11/16/23]
Cao Tweeted That Iran’s Military Presence In South America Should Concern The United States, And Called For Further Sanctions On Iran. Hung Cao tweeted, “Iran’s military presence in South America should greatly concern the United States. @POTUS needs to deploy #sanctions that have a real impact.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 3/9/23]
Cao Claimed That Biden Gave $76 Billion In Aid To Iran. Hung Cao tweeted, “$6 billion? More like $76 billion. Let’s not forget the $10 billion in sanctions he lifted allowing Iraq to transfer to Iran. Add $60 billion in oil sanctions he refuses to enforce and you get $76 billion, which is the same amount of money we gave to Ukraine to defeat Russia.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 10/11/23]
Cao Said Unfrozen Iranian Funds Contributed To Hamas’s Attack On Israel. Hung Cao tweeted, “On September 11, Joe Biden transfers money to Iran. Iran transfers money to Hamas. On October 7, Hamas attacks our friend and ally, Israel. Follow the money trail.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 10/7/23]
[AUDIO] Cao Said The US Is Even Less Prepared For A Terrorist Attack Than Israel Was. “Oh, I think that the attack in Israel is just a preemptive for the United States. They're testing our weapons systems that we put over there. I mean, this is the eighth most powerful country in the world with the most powerful intelligence networks. And they missed this. What's going to happen on a lackadaisical country like ours right now where the CIA is really trying to investigate Republicans and conservatives?” [The Schilling Show, 10/17/23]; 231017_NAA_255_A
Cao Said Biden And “Minions” Like Tim Kaine Tried To Deceive Americans By Calling It An Israel Aid Package But Sending More To Ukraine
. Hung Cao tweeted, “.@JoeBiden and his democrat minions, like @TimKaine, are trying to pull the wool over our eyes. The $100B Israel relief only gives 14% to Israel, but gives 60% to Ukraine and 7% to Taiwan. We’ve seen this before with the so-called Inflation Reduction Act which they later touted as the biggest green new deal investment. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.” [Twitter, @HungCao_VA, 10/25/23]
In A Fox News Op-ed, Cao Claimed That Biden Had Abandoned Six U.S. Embassies In Less Than Three Years. According to Fox News op-ed by Hung Cao, “U.S. embassies are considered sovereign U.S. territory. Even police officers from the host nation cannot come aboard without authorization from the U.S. ambassador, the direct representative of the president of the United States. My family learned this just a year earlier as we escaped Vietnam […] President Biden has abandoned his sixth U.S. embassy in less than three years. His first was the atrocious withdrawal from Afghanistan, where I had completed my last combat deployment six months before.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed – Fox News, 8/9/23]
Cao: “The Additional U.S. Embassy Evacuations In Ukraine, Belarus, Sudan, Haiti And Now Niger Show Biden’s Failed Foreign Policy And Weakness.” According to Fox News op-ed by Hung Cao, “The additional U.S. Embassy evacuations in Ukraine, Belarus, Sudan, Haiti and now Niger show Biden’s failed foreign policy and weakness. While Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is bowing multiple times to greet Xi Xiping, and Secretary of State Tony Blinken is going on talk shows, China, Russia and Iran are collecting valuable diplomatic equity around the world.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed – Fox News, 8/9/23]
Cao: “The Abraham Accords Brought Peace In The Middle East For The First Time In My Life, And Before The Ink Dried, Those Countries Quickly Turned To China For Leadership.” According to Fox News op-ed by Hung Cao, “The Abraham Accords brought peace in the Middle East for the first time in my life, and before the ink dried, those countries quickly turned to China for leadership. Iran is rattling its saber in the Persian Gulf, taking over commercial ships, and the insurrectionists in Niger are waving Russian flags.” [Hung Cao Op-Ed – Fox News, 8/9/23]
Cao Also Remarked That He Was African-American By Virtue Of Having Spent Time In Niger As A Child. According to Business Insider, “Earlier in the interview, Cao — a Vietnamese refugee — also remarked that he was African-American by virtue of having spent time in Niger as a child. ‘Your history is like, breaking stereotype after stereotype,’ remarked Feucht. ‘And you’re conservative, and you love God, and you love America.’ ‘And I’m African-American because I grew up in Africa, too,’ Cao interjected.” [Business Insider, 7/27/23]