Gabbard Criticized The House January 6 Committee For Holding Hearings, Saying, “This Is Not America.” According to the Daily Wire, “Former Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard slammed the Democrats holding hearings regarding the events of January 6, 2021, when she appeared with Tucker Carlson on Thursday night. […] ‘This is not America,’ Gabbard declared.” [Daily Wire, 6/10/22]
Gabbard Said The Hearings Had “Been Politicized.” According to the Daily Wire, “Former Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard slammed the Democrats holding hearings regarding the events of January 6, 2021, when she appeared with Tucker Carlson on Thursday night. […] ‘Members of Congress are not – again, they don’t have their priorities straight,’ Gabbard snapped. ‘So much of this has been politicized; it’s been sensationalized with very specific objectives that have nothing to do with upholding the Constitution or what’s in the best interests of the country and the American people, and I think that the way that this hearing has been actually not even so-called produced, it’s literally being produced by somebody I think who is from ABC News in order to try to come with an objective that has nothing to do, again, with what’s best for the people, what’s best for the Constitution. They’re trying to achieve their own political interests. And it’s just really sad that they’re abusing their power in order to do that.’” [Daily Wire, 6/10/22]
Gabbard Called The January 6 Committee An Abuse Of Power. According to the Daily Wire, “Former Congresswoman and Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard slammed the Democrats holding hearings regarding the events of January 6, 2021, when she appeared with Tucker Carlson on Thursday night. […] ‘Members of Congress are not – again, they don’t have their priorities straight,’ Gabbard snapped. ‘So much of this has been politicized; it’s been sensationalized with very specific objectives that have nothing to do with upholding the Constitution or what’s in the best interests of the country and the American people, and I think that the way that this hearing has been actually not even so-called produced, it’s literally being produced by somebody I think who is from ABC News in order to try to come with an objective that has nothing to do, again, with what’s best for the people, what’s best for the Constitution. They’re trying to achieve their own political interests. And it’s just really sad that they’re abusing their power in order to do that.’” [Daily Wire, 6/10/22]
November 2022: Gabbard Endorsed J.D. Vance. According to Gabbard’s Twitter, “Tim Ryan represents everything that is wrong with the warmongering Washington Establishment. I’m endorsing @JDVance1 because he knows the cost of war, and that our government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.” [Twitter - @TulsiGabbard, 11/1/22]
Vance Claimed That The 2020 Election Results Should Not Have Been Certified Immediately. According to ABC News, “In a contentious interview with ABC News ‘This Week’ anchor George Stephanopoulos, Vance -- a onetime Trump critic -- also doubled down on his views of the 2020 election, saying the results shouldn't have been immediately certified, and he went on to suggest Trump should ignore ‘illegitimate’ U.S. Supreme Court rulings.” [ABC News, 2/4/24]
Vance Argued That Trump Was Not Culpable For The Events On January 6
Vance On Trump’s Liability For The Violence Of January 6: “I Don’t Think That You Can Blame The President For The Bad Apples Who Committed Violence On That Day […] And More Importantly, I Sure Don’t Think That He’s Criminally Culpable” According to WLWT5, “Jan. 6 and former President Donald Trump are factors in the race. How much is hard to quantify. But if criminally indicted, the Trump component would be undeniable and one area of rare agreement between the candidates. […] Ryan and Vance diverge at that point when it comes to Trump. ‘I don't think that you can blame the President for the bad apples who committed violence on that day,’ Vance told WLWT in an interview. ‘And more importantly, I sure don't think that he's criminally culpable.’” [WLWT5, 7/11/22]
October 2022: Gabbard Campaigned For Kari Lake. According to ABC News, “Former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, who ran for president in 2020 as a Democrat and endorsed Joe Biden after her exit from the race, on Tuesday campaigned in Arizona for the state's Republican gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake, a fervent election denier Trump loyalist.” [ABC News, 10/19/22]
CNN: HEADLINE: “Fact-Checking Kari Lake, Serial Promoter Of Election Lies And Early Frontrunner In GOP Primary For Arizona Governor.” [CNN, 10/16/21]
Arizona Republic: “Lake Has Promoted False Election Conspiracy Theories And Claims That Trump Actually Won The 2020 Election.” According to the Arizona Republic, “Lake has promoted false election conspiracy theories and claims that Trump actually won the 2020 election. She wants to ban any election counting equipment that relies on computer software and has called for election audits in other states. She also said she would deploy the Arizona National Guard to the border, which Ducey has done during both the Trump and Biden administrations.” [Arizona Republic, 10/25/21]
October 2022: Gabbard Campaigned For Tudor Dixon. According to MLive, “In Saturday campaign speeches, Tudor Dixon and Shane Hernandez, GOP candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, echoed similar statements made throughout the election cycle, primarily focusing on education and policing, topics important to loyal Republicans. But the presence of newly independent and former Hawaiian congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard in this weekend’s trips across metro-Detroit show they are trying to gain votes of independents in the last days before the Nov. 8 election.” [MLive, 10/29/22]
Dixon Accused Democrats Of “Obvious” Voter Fraud In 2020 Presidential Election. According to Bridge Michigan, “In tweets following the 2020 contest, Dixon claimed the election was stolen and accused Democrats of ‘obvious’ and ‘sloppy’ voter fraud.” [Bridge Michigan, 6/29/22]
Dixon Denied That The January 6 Attack On The U.S. Capitol Was An Insurrection. According to MLive, “In a Wednesday interview with The WILS Morning Wake-Up with Dave Akerly, Dixon said she did not consider the Jan. 6 attack an insurrection, but argued the two events should be treated similarly. ‘If this is the statement from Democrats, if we are going to have taxpayer dollars spent on a Jan. 6 committee, then all people need to be treated equally,’ Dixon said.” [MLive, 1/15/22]
October 2022: Gabbard Campaigned For Blake Masters. According to News Nation, “A week after announcing she would leave the Democratic Party, Tulsi Gabbard was on the campaign trail in Arizona alongside Republicans Kari Lake and Blake Masters.” [News Nation, 10/21/22]
At A Meeting With Conservative Activists, Masters Floated The Conspiracy Theory That The Capitol Attack Was A False Flag Operation By The FBI And Said He Would “Absolutely” Support Investigating U.S. Intelligence Agencies Over Their Supposed Role In The Insurrection. According to CNN,“Blake Masters, the Republican Senate candidate from Arizona, met with conservative activists at a Phoenix IHOP this spring and was asked whether he would support investigating US intelligence operations to uncover the federal government's ‘nefarious activities.’ Masters replied, ‘Absolutely,’ and then floated the conspiracy theory that the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol actually may have been a false-flag operation set up by the FBI, according to a recording of the March 30 meeting obtained by CNN. ‘Don't we suspect that like one-third of the people outside of the Capitol complex on January 6 were actual FBI agents hanging out,’ Masters asked at the GrassRoots Tea Party Activists of Arizona event. ‘What did people know and when did they know it? We got to get to the bottom of this.’” [CNN, 6/8/22]
October 2022: Gabbard Campaigned With Joe Kent, Republican Candidate Running Against Democrat Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez In Washington’s Third District. According to the Chronicle, “Former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard made a stop in Bucoda Sunday afternoon to campaign alongside Joe Kent, the Republican candidate facing Democrat Marie Gluesenkamp Perez in the race to represent Washington’s 3rd congressional district.” [Chronicle, 10/24/22]
Gabbard Recognized Kent As A “Fellow Veteran” And Criticized The Biden Administration And Democrats. According to the Chronicle, “‘The reason I am here and not back home in Hawaii is because our very freedom and our very future is at stake in this election,’ Gabbard told the crowd in Bucoda. ‘And I do not use those words lightly.’ After recognizing Kent as a ‘fellow veteran,’ she said the Biden administration and Democrats are undermining ‘God-given rights and freedoms enshrined in the constitution,’ saying they are working with large technology companies and social media to do so.” [Chronicle, 10/24/22]
Kent: “We Must Fully Adjudicate The Presidential Election Of 2020.” According to Joe Kent’s 2022 campaign website via archive.o, “To maintain the cornerstone of our Republic, we must fully adjudicate the Presidential election of 2020. Several courts should have done the adjudication. However, each court that had the chance to strengthen our system neglected its duties. Therefore, Congress must fully adjudicate the election of 2020 in a congressional hearing, subpoena witnesses, and evidence to show the American people exactly what transpired in November of 2020. The trust that we have in our system of government is sacred. We must have complete faith that all legal votes are counted and that states only count legal votes. In November of 2020, the American people’s trust was broken by widespread irregularities, fraud, and the media’s commanding narrative that Joe Biden had won the Presidency and anyone who questioned this narrative would be labeled an insurrectionist, terrorist or be de-platformed.” [Joe Kent For Congress via archive.org, accessed 5/21/24]
Kent Joined A Series Of 2020 Election Lawsuits In Washington That Claimed County Auditors In His District Had “Flipped Votes.” According to KGW, “He told KGW he believes January 6 was an ‘intelligence operation’ and that defendants are being held as ‘political prisoners.’ At a Clark County Republican Party town hall on Monday, Kent met with voters who praised his ties to President Trump, which includes his skepticism of the 2020 election results. Kent said each state’s certification and review of the vote hasn’t been enough to convince him it was fair. He previously joined a series of lawsuits filed in Washington claiming county auditors in his district had ‘flipped votes.’” [KGW, 10/6/22]
Kent Signed On As A Plaintiff In A Lawsuit That Alleged Nearly Half A Million Votes In Washington’s 2020 Election Were Flipped, Added, Or Removed. According to the Seattle Times, “The state GOP is, however, formally supporting the candidacies of congressional candidates Kent and Doug Basler, who have each signed on as plaintiffs in conspiracy-laden lawsuits, still pending in federal court, which baselessly claim that more than 400,000 votes in Washington’s 2020 elections were flipped, added or removed.” [Seattle Times, 10/2/22]
Judges In Washington Dismissed Cases Challenging The 2020 Election Results As Frivolous And Fined People Involved For Bringing Meritless Claims. According to a column in the Seattle Times from Danny Westneat, "The lawsuits, filed by a group called Washington Election Integrity Coalition United along with some GOP congressional candidates, contended that ‘6,000 votes were flipped, over 400,000 votes were added and/or thousands of votes were removed in one or more statewide races.’ No evidence was provided for any of this, so judges across the state started tossing the cases as frivolous. Several times they fined the people involved for wasting everybody’s time. But one of the cases forged on. Incredibly, the one here in King County persisted for nearly two years, through the filing of more than 100 documents and pleadings as well as a nearly three-hour-long deposition this spring of the King County director of elections, Julie Wise. Apparently it survived so long because it included a public records dispute as well as the meritless rigged-election claims. In any case, it, too, has now been tossed — dismissed on June 16 by a King County judge. ‘No responsive pleadings or evidence was presented by these plaintiffs,’ the judge said in a refrain that sums up the entirety of the ‘Stop the Steal’ movement." [Seattle Times, Column- Danny Westneat, 7/1/23]
Kent Alleged January 6 Was An “Intelligence Operation” And That Defendants Being Held For Their Role In The Insurrection Were “Political Prisoners.” According to KGW, “He told KGW he believes January 6 was an ‘intelligence operation’ and that defendants are being held as ‘political prisoners.’ At a Clark County Republican Party town hall on Monday, Kent met with voters who praised his ties to President Trump, which includes his skepticism of the 2020 election results. Kent said each state’s certification and review of the vote hasn’t been enough to convince him it was fair. He previously joined a series of lawsuits filed in Washington claiming county auditors in his district had ‘flipped votes.’” [KGW, 10/6/22]
Kent Claimed The Government Had Agents Involved In January 6. According to a post on Joe Kent’s Facebook, “The gov had agents involved in J6, they are closely guarding what their roles were. Darren Beattie & Revolver highlight the roles that several unindicted individuals played in breeching the Capitol & removing barriers that would warn ppl that they were trespassing.” [Facebook, @joekent16jan19, 12/21/21]
Kent Implied The Government Planned January 6. According to a post on Joe Kent’s Twitter, “How many government controlled agents/sources/informants were involved in planning J6 & on or near the capitol on J6? What was their role & who were the in communication with? All of this is likely documented w/ the FBI & being shielded by the capitol police’s FOIA protection.” [Twitter, @joekent16jan19, 6/9/22]
Kent Called People Who Were Charged With Crimes Relating To January 6 “Political Prisoners.” According to Mediaite, “Joe Kent, a Trump-endorsed candidate challenging Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), called the Jan. 6 rioters who have been charged with various crimes ‘political prisoners’ during a speech at the Justice for J6 rally on Saturday. ‘Our fellow citizens when their constitutional rights are taken, if we do not speak out against that we are guilty of standing by and watching those rights erode,’ he said. ‘Make no mistake what governments do overseas, they will do here and they’ve already started.’” [Mediaite, 9/18/21]
Gabbard Said Schiff And Brennan Were More Dangerous Than January 6 Insurrectionists. According to Fox News, “Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, asserted that tech industry leaders and Democrats such as Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and former CIA director John Brennan are ‘domestic enemies’ of the U.S. who are more dangerous than the rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6. […] ‘The mob who stormed the Capitol on January 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,’ Gabbard said. ‘But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies — and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol.’” [Fox News, 1/26/21]
Gabbard Said The FBI Was Capturing The Data Of People Who Were At January 6. According to the Daily Caller, “‘They’re capturing all of the data of people whose cell phones were pinging within that vicinity during that period of time, not only on January 6th, and they are continuing to widen that net, looking at flight records and who bought tickets and who booked hotels and all of this stuff for what?’ she asked. ‘You’re going to go, the FBI is going to go and investigate people who showed up there on the lawn on the capital?’” [Daily Caller, 5/1/24]
Gabbard Said The Government Was “Turning On The American People For Political Reasons.” According to the Daily Caller, “‘Scare tactics,’ Rogan interjected. ‘It is absolutely scare tactics,’ Gabbard agreed. ‘So when we look at the power of the government and how they’re now turning on the American people for political reasons we can see where even the best of intentions with some of these pieces of legislation can lead to the very worst places,’ Gabbard said.” [Daily Caller, 5/1/24]
Gabbard Questioned Why The DEA And FBI Were Not Focusing Their Resources On People Crossing The Border Rather Than January 6 Attendants. According to the Daily Caller, “‘What to speak of the fact that we have limited resources and limited people, what are they not investigating?’ she asked. ‘You talked about the DEA, what about the FBI and all these millions of people coming across our border? Are they tracking who they are? No, they’re not. Are they tracking where they’re going? No, they’re not. We have no idea. People coming from the Middle East and Asia and Eastern Europe and Venezuela, gang members, like all of this stuff is happening right before our very eyes and they’re going and knocking on my friend’s door in Lāʻie because he brought his 14-year-old son to Washington D.C. that week?’ Gabbard questioned. ‘And here’s the question,’ Rogan postured. ‘Was the FBI there? How many people were there and how come they don’t have to answer that?’ he asked. ‘Exactly,’ Gabbard agreed. ‘Why not be transparent?’” [Daily Caller, 5/1/24]