More Than 200,000 Jobs Were Offshored Under Trump. According to Reuters, “During the four years of the Trump administration, that program certified 2,095 petitions covering 202,151 workers who lost jobs that moved overseas.” [Reuters, 1/19/21]
A Provision Of Trump’s Tax Bill Incentivized Offshoring. According to the Atlantic, “President Trump and his Council of Economic Advisors argue that cutting the corporate tax rate would be a major boon to American workers, in that it would substantially boost their household income. This is, as many economists and journalists have pointed out, wrong. But there is another issue with the Trump- and GOP-proposed corporate-tax plan that has not drawn as much attention. A major provision of the plan—the full details of which are slated to be revealed on Thursday—fails its most basic claim: that it would ‘prevent companies from shifting profits to tax havens’ and limit ‘offshoring.’ Instead, the way that provision is designed, it would actually incentivize U.S. companies to move their operations overseas and to shift profits to tax havens.” [Atlantic, 11/1/17]
VIDEO: Trump Claimed He Had A Friend Who Offshored Jobs. According to a Michigan rally via YouTube, “TRUMP: A friend of mine builds big plants. He's a big supporter. Build big, big auto plants. I said, I'd like to go take a look at some of your plants, because I find it very interesting. I want to know exactly what I like to build, and I like to see things like this. He said, Good, but we really have to go to Mexico. I said, what do you mean you build them here? Right. Yeah, I do. But the big ones are being built in Mexico. I said, Isn't that a shame? Right? This is just a guy telling me, you know, he's no, no axe to grind. He said the big plants president is a friend of mine. He used to call me Donald. Now he calls me president. They said, Call me Donald. He said, I'll try. And he said, Donald, the big plants, the big plants, the ones that you really have to see are the ones that we're building in Mexico. They're unbelievable.” [Michigan Trump Rally via YouTube, 2/18/24]