¶ Harmful For Specific Unions And Workers
Air Traffic Controllers' UnionA union representing air traffic controllers sued Donald Trump’s administration saying many of their members were “unlawfully deprived” of pay “without due process” due to a government shutdown.
Autoworkers Donald Trump’s tariffs cost autoworkers jobs.
Donald Trump refused to say whether or not he supported the 2009 auto bailout.
Donald Trump suggested moving some auto manufacturing out of Michigan in order to pay workers less.
Under Donald Trump, GM announced it would close five plants in North America.
- 🏛️ Federal WorkersDonald Trump called for cuts to the federal workforce.
As president, Donald Trump tried to undermine protections for federal workers.
Donald Trump pledged in a second term to continue to attack federal workers.
Gig WorkersDonald Trump’s Labor Department sought to undercut gig workers by making it easier for employers to restrict them from protections under federal minimum wage and overtime laws.
- ⚒️ Miners And SteelworkersDonald Trump oversaw an overall drop in steel industry jobs.
Donald Trump tried to delay or roll back safety measures to protect mine workers.
Donald Trump appointed a coal executive with a history of health and safety violations to head MSHA.
- 📬 Postal WorkersDonald Trump’s administration stopped paying overtime to postal workers.
Donald Trump’s administration denigrated the postal service and union workers.
- 🐔 Poultry WorkersDonald Trump’s administration more poultry plants to obtain waivers to lower safety standards in order to work faster.
- 🧑🏫 Teachers' UnionsDonald Trump threatened to defund schools that did not reopen during the pandemic.
- 💲 Tipped WorkersDonald Trump’s Department of Labor released a rule allowing restaurant owners to pocket employees’ tips and distribute how they saw fit.
- 🗣️ Attacks On Specific UnionsDonald Trump launched attacks on several unions, including the UAW, Teamsters, AFL-CIO, and teachers’ unions, among others.
- 👷 ApprenticeshipsDonald Trump issued an executive order cutting back the federal government’s role in creating and monitoring apprenticeship programs; however, the order created no apprenticeship programs nor did it train a single worker in the two years following.
- 🇺🇸 Buy AmericanDonald Trump failed to follow up on a promise that would have required the use of American steel in constructing the Keystone XL Pipeline.
- ✊Collective Bargaining Donald Trump supported right to work.
Donald Trump’s administration supported efforts to undermine public sector unions in Janus v. AFSCME.
Donald Trump backed Scott Walker’s policies, which limited the collective bargaining rights for many state and local government employees in Wisconsin.
- 😷 COVID-19 And LaborDonald Trump’s administration failed to protect farm laborers amid the pandemic.
Donald Trump’s Labor Department failed to hold companies accountable when workers got sick from COVID-19.
Donald Trump’s Labor Department limited access to unemployment benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 💵 Davis-BaconDonald Trump did not speak out in support of the Davis-Bacon Act as Republicans sought to repeal it.
- 🏢 JobsUnder Donald Trump, the U.S. economy lost millions of jobs, earning him the worst jobs record of any president in recent history.
- 🏭 ManufacturingDonald Trump oversaw a decrease in manufacturing jobs.
Donald Trump failed to keep manufacturing plants open, despite his promises.
Donald Trump relied on foreign manufacturing for his own buildings and products.
- 💰 Minimum WageDonald Trump’s administration opposed raising the minimum wage.
Donald Trump proposed a lower minimum wage for minors.
Donald Trump spoke out against state efforts to increase the minimum wage while attempting to take credit for the gains workers in those states saw.
- 📒 NLRBDonald Trump’s NLRB repeatedly ruled against labor and workers.
Donald Trump made anti-worker appointments to the NLRB.
- 🦺 OSHA And Workplace SafetyUnder Donald Trump’s administration, OSHA failed to protect workers.
Under Donald Trump, OSHA remained critically understaffed.
Donald Trump sought to slash funding for OSHA in his budget proposals.
- 🌴 OffshoringUnder Donald Trump, more than 200,000 jobs were offshored.
Donald Trump’s tax bill included a provision that incentivized offshoring.
- 🌏 OutsourcingDonald Trump previously expressed support for outsourcing jobs.
Donald Trump invested in companies he previously criticized for outsourcing.
- 🕙 Overtime PayDonald Trump’s administration refused to defend an Obama-era rule that expanded overtime pay to workers.
Donald Trump’s administration released its own overtime rule which covered 3.2 million fewer people than the Obama rule did.
- 👪 Paid LeaveDonald Trump’s paid leave law was limited to federal employees and did not offer paid leave for workers to care for sick family members.
Donald Trump spoke out against paid leave, saying it was rife for abuse.
- ✖️ Personal Opposition To Unions Donald Trump said he would prefer to work without unions.
Donald Trump’s businesses had a long history of opposing unions.
Donald Trump quit the Screen Actors Guild.
- 📈 Wage GrowthUnder Donald Trump, pre-COVID-19 wage growth was unremarkable and slow.
Wage increases and bonuses Donald Trump predicted from his tax law never materialized.