January 24, 2020: Trump Tweeted “China Has Been Working Very Hard,” And Thanked Xi “On Behalf Of The American People.” According to a tweet from Donald Trump, “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 1/24/20]
VIDEO: January 30, 2020: Trump Praised China As “Working Very Hard.” According to Fox News via YouTube, “DOOCY: Speaking of health care, coronavirus. How concerned are you and do you believe what China is telling us about how bad it is? TRUMP: Well what I'm doing is we're dealing very closely with China. We'll be making certain announcements over the next 24 hours and 48 hours. And we are in great shape. China’s not in great shape right now unfortunately, but they're working very hard. We'll see what happens. But we're working very closely with China and other countries.” [Fox News via YouTube, 1/30/20]
January 24, 2020: Trump Thanked Xi “On Behalf Of The American People.” According to a tweet from Donald Trump, “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 1/24/20]
February 7, 2020: Trump Praised Xi’s COVID-19 Response, And Called Him “Strong, Sharp, And Powerfully Focused.” According to a tweet from Donald Trump, “Just had a long and very good conversation by phone with President Xi of China. He is strong, sharp and powerfully focused on leading the counterattack on the Coronavirus. He feels they are doing very well, even building hospitals in a matter of only days. Nothing is easy, but...” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 2/7/20]
VIDEO: February 7, 2020: Trump Said That China Was Not Covering Up Covid-19. According to Donald Trump via YouTube, “HOST: Are you concerned that China is covering up the full extent of the Coronavirus? TRUMP No, China’s working very hard. Late last night I had a talk with President Xi and we talked mostly about the Coronavirus. They are working really hard. I think they’re doing a very professional job. They are in touch with the world, our world organizations, the CDC also. We’re working together but World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they’re doing a very good job. HOST: Are you concerned about the impact on the global economy? TRUMP I think that China will do a very good job.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/7/20]
VIDEO: February 7, 2020: Trump Claimed China Was Working With The Center For Disease Control And The World Health Organization And Said He Thought They Were Doing “A Very Good Job.” According to Donald Trump via YouTube, “HOST: Are you concerned that China is covering up the full extent of the Coronavirus? TRUMP No, China’s working very hard. Late last night I had a talk with President Xi and we talked mostly about the Coronavirus. They are working really hard. I think they’re doing a very professional job. They are in touch with the world, our world organizations, the CDC also. We’re working together but World Health is working with them. CDC is working with them. I had a great conversation last night with President Xi. It's a tough situation. I think they’re doing a very good job. HOST: Are you concerned about the impact on the global economy? TRUMP I think that China will do a very good job.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/7/20]
VIDEO: February 7, 2020: Trump Said He Thought That China Would Do A “Very Good Job” Handling Covid-19’s Impact On The Global Economy. According to Donald Trump via YouTube, “HOST: Are you concerned about the impact on the global economy? TRUMP I think that China will do a very good job.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/7/20]
VIDEO: February 10, 2020: Trump Called China “Very Professionally Run,” And Predicted They Would Soon “Have Everything Under Control.” According to Donald Trump on Trish Regan Prime Time via YouTube, “REGAN: What’s your sense of their transparency right now, whether they're being more accommodating in terms of telling us what's going on and how it affects our economy? TRUMP: Well I think China is very professionally run in the sense that they have everything under control. I really believe they are going to have it under control fairly soon. [...] But China, I can tell you, is working very hard. We are working with them. You know we just sent some of our best people over there, World Health Organisation, and a lot of them are composed of our people. They're fantastic. And they're now in China and we're helping them out. We're in very good shape. We have 11 cases and most of them are getting better very rapidly. I think they'll all be better. But, no our relationship with China you know we made a great deal a great trade deal. And our relationship on top of that is probably better with China. They respect us now. What they were getting away with was murder…” [Vault - Fox Business Network, Trish Regan Primetime via YouTube, 2/10/20]
AUDIO: February 13, 2020: Trump Said China Was “Working On It Very Professionally” And, “They’re Working Very, Very Hard.” According to the Geraldo Podcast via Soundcloud, “TRUMP: Well we are working on it very closely. I spoke to President Xi two days ago and they are working on it very professionally. It’s a problem. [...] They are having difficulty in China, but they're working very, very hard. We're working with them. We're sending a lot of people and CDC has been great. But it is a problem in China that has not been spreading very much in our country.” [Geraldo Podcast via Soundcloud, 2/13/20]
February 14, 2020: Trump Called China’s COVID-19 Response “Very Capable.” According to Donald Trump, “And I spoke with President Xi of China, and he’s working very hard on this. It’s a tremendous problem. But they’re very capable and they’ll — they’ll get to it. There’s a theory that, in April, when it gets warm — historically, that has been able to kill the virus. So we don’t know yet; we’re not sure yet. But that’s around the corner, so that’ll be a great thing in China and other places.” [White House, 2/14/20]
VIDEO: February 18, 2020: Trump Claimed Xi Was Doing “A Very Good Job” With Covid-19. According to statements made by Donald Trump at a press gaggle via YouTube, “HOST: President, are you still satisfied with how President Xi is handling the Coronavirus? TRUMP: I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He's working really hard. It's a tough problem. I think he's going to do it. Look I've seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he's doing it very professionally. We're also working with him and helping him as of the last few days, as you know. HOST: The data coming out of China, are you worried about that? TRUMP: Look I know this. President Xi loves the people of China. He loves his country. And he's doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/18/20]
VIDEO: Trump On President Xi: “He Loves His Country. And He's Doing A Very Good Job With A Very Very Tough Situation.” According to statements made by Donald Trump at a press gaggle via YouTube, “HOST: The data coming out of China, are you worried about that? TRUMP: Look, I know this. President Xi loves the people of China. He loves his country. And he's doing a very good job with a very, very tough situation.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/18/20]
VIDEO: February 19, 2020: Trump Made The Prediction, “I Think It’s Going To Work Out Fine” Regarding China’s Response To COVID-19. According to Fox 10 via YouTube, “HOST: How confident are you that China is being 100% honest with us when it comes to this scary virus? TRUMP: Well, I'm confident that they're trying very hard. I mean I know President Xi, I get along with him very well, we just made a great trade deal which is going to be a lot of business for Arizona and every other place. But they are trying very, very hard. And I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go. They're working on that, they built a hospital in seven days and now they're building another one. I think it's going to work out fine.” [Fox 10 via YouTube, 2/19/20]
February 23, 2020: Trump Said Of Xi, “He’s Working Very Hard. I Think He’s Doing A Very Good Job.” According to statements made by Donald Trump, “I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He’s working very hard. I think he’s doing a very good job. It’s a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He’s working very hard to solve the problem and he will solve the problem.” [White House, 2/23/20]
VIDEO: February 27, 2020: Trump Touted China’s Falling Covid-19 Numbers. According to Donald Trump via YouTube, “TRUMP: We’re in very constant communication, President Xi and myself, very, very constant. But we are doing that. And by the way, their numbers seem to have maybe they looked like they're coming down which eventually hopefully that's what's supposed to happen.” [Donald Trump via YouTube, 2/27/20]
VIDEO: March 4, 2020: Trump Praised Xi As “Working Very, Very Hard In China.” According to Fox News via YouTube, “TRUMP: And we're getting along very well with China. We're dealing with China. President Xi, who I speak with, President Xi is working very, very hard in China. They have a big problem. But their numbers have gotten much better with respect, with respect to the Coronavirus, very much better.” [Fox News via YouTube, 3/4/20]
VIDEO: March 10, 2020: Trump Said He Was Seeing “Fairly Good Numbers” Out Of China In Regards To Covid-19. According to Donald Trump via YouTube, “TRUMP: We're seeing some fairly good numbers come out of those countries. That's a good thing. Including China. And they've released numbers and we've gotten some numbers from China that look pretty promising.” [CSPAN via YouTube, 3/10/20]
VIDEO: March 24, 2020: Trump Said He Had A Very Good Relationship With Xi. According to Fox News via YouTube, “TRUMP: Look I have a very good relationship with President Xi and they went through a lot. You know some people say other things. They went through a lot. They lost thousands. of people They've been through hell. I’ve always said whether it was Ebola, so many, I could name 10 of them, you take our wonderful place in Connecticut, I’m sure they are not thrilled about Lyme disease, right? But they do name it after places. It came from China. HEMMER: You don’t regret that language? TRUMP: I don’t regret that, they accused us of having done it through our soldiers. They said our soldiers did it in paper. What kind of a thing is that? And that was their paper, that was a paper for pretty much the top people and I didn’t like that. So I think, look, everyone knows it came out of China, but I decided we shouldn’t make any more of a big deal out of it. I think people understand it.” [Fox News via YouTube, 3/24/20]
March 27, 2020: Trump Offered “Much Respect” For Xi. According to a tweet from Donald Trump, “Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!” [Twitter, @realDonaldTrump, 3/27/20]
November 2023: Trump Referred To President Xi As “Strong” And “Smart.” According to Raw Story, “Donald Trump, who openly admires and envies the world’s dictators and strongmen, chose the week of Joe Biden’s summit with Xi Jinping to lavish praise on the Chinese president — and trash the U.S. president. After mocking Biden as confused, Trump, the former president and Republican frontrunner for 2024, said during a gala at his Mar-a-Lago home that Xi is ‘like a piece of steel — strong, smart,’ according to a video obtained by Raw Story.” [Raw Story, 11/15/23]